Thursday, 4 October 2012

You need to click this

Some things in life are important 

This is --------------please click here

And its not exactly Christian Grey Standard but hey ho !

Thank You 


Friday, 14 September 2012

Monday - Wednesday (its been a busy week

Week commencing Monday 10th September (mon - weds )

As i need to rant about Thursday  (big style) you would have died of boredom before i got to it so have made an executive decision to split this weeks rant into 2 parts.


Still feeling diabolical so crawl out of bed and email work to say I am stopping at home. Because I live alone and hence am unable to get sympathy from those around me I stick a note on my face book page saying I am poorly – virtual sympathy in these days of the internet will in emergencies have to do.
I rally a little in the afternoon but still have a temperature and feel clammy. Check my home email  and have emails from both firemen past and present and also from Friends of the Earth and the Green Party about  the No2 Incinerator Campaign. By the time you read this a press release complete with a “secret” set of        appendices will have been sent to every journalist in Leeds. Flash bang wallop what a blooming contract ............... we have had it read by professionals and its a joke (or license to print money if your name is by any chance Veolia).
Crawl back into bed and stay there – listening to my complete boxed set of Old Harrys Game CDs – which is the best comedy programme EVER. Andy Hamilton is simply a genius.


Crawl out of bed and email work I am still dying – I am pretty sure as my insides are giving me hell I have been contaminated with wheat gluten. 
Crawl back into bed and play on face book as I need more virtual sympathy.  Update Diary of Gin Fuelled as it’s a quick copy and paste job from word . After a quick message from a friend I discover that tragically an elderly gentleman died in a house fire last night in Chapeltown. Appliances from both Moortown and Gipton attended but even with fire fighters wearing breathing apparatus he could not be saved.
 And it re enforces why I am rolling up my sleeves and fighting the fire cuts – because a smoke alarm may (hopefully) mean you watch  a fire from the outside of your house  instead of screaming for help from the inside,  and  only a qualified fire fighter can get you out of a burning building safely. NOT ONCE EVER HAS A SMOKE ALARM CARRIED A PERSON FROM A BURNING BUILDING......... Simon Pilling and all the councillors on the fire authority hold that thought and Vote NO to the IRMP 2012/13.

Later in the afternoon I take a call from from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue. They are ringing regarding a blog post about the event listed above. Under normal circumstances I would of course tell you all about it but  I don’t think I can /should. They have breached every information governance and I suspect the data protection act rule in the book! And as I am not the press and therefore not covered by rules regarding embargoes in theory I could blog to high heaven about what they have told me, but I won’t. I couldn’t  - I can’t say any more I am absolutely appalled. I have however informed WYFRS and am considering making a formal complaint. The things WYFRS will do to change things round beggars belief.

This evening is the first of the Community Leadership Teams – a meeting to be held behind closed doors. I most certainly do not approve but will be going along so I can report the goings on in this blog. Only labour could in their wisdom choose to close the best attended forum in Inner east Leeds – I do not doubt for a minute because they don’t like what it says to them........ never mind my tune won’t change I shall still carry on.
Before I go to bed I sneak a peek at the hits we have had on the new site to oppose the fire cuts and I am pleased – so far so good.

Arrive at work to be confronted by the bag of tortilla chips. ........ we (the office) are down to about the half way mark.
Feel a million times better due in part to copious amounts of tummy calming drugs – three cheers for the NHS  (whilst we still have it)
Work is a disaster for an hour or two as our systems are playing up (again). But it gives me an opportunity to catch up on “stuff”. Take a peek at the new blog we have set up   FIRE CUTS COST LIVES (click to take a peek) and we have already got over a hundred hits which is amazing from a standing start.  And to say only yesterday 3 people knew of its existence. The  Fire Brigades Union have  indicated that they will only supply information for it if we ask for it (nicely of course)so decide to ask a very general question and see what floats back via email. I can make the requests more specific as we go along.  At lunchtime the hit rate had crept up and I am feeling a combination of smug and happy. (ok 75% smug 25% happy).
Sadly,  after much deliberation have had to formally complain about member of staff at WYFRS.  And then discover their compliments / complaints email address isn’t working. So in the end send it to Simon Pilling – chief fire officer and Cllr Khan of Kirklees – whose email sort of gives the impression he is rather too important for his own good............ 
Which gets me thinking perhaps I should have a new email address
 that.woman     or 
Anyway by the time I leave work my smug AND happiness ratings are sky high..........the new blog is going bananas.
In the early evening as my nails are looking distinctly tatty I take all the old polish off them, give them a bit of a file and spruce up then repaint them a dark red. But I do miss Scarlet doing my nails. Decide to make determined effort to find new manicurist, I may be a bad tempered old goat but even hooves need the occasional pamper session.

Thursday to Sunday to follow ................................... on monday !!!!

Enjoy your weekend

Sarah X X X

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Not Yet Nigel

Week commencing Monday 3rd September 2012
What a start to the week,  the No 62 Bus was 20minutes late. I was just getting to the “fidgety looking at my watch” stage when it trundled past on the way down to Cross Green. I glared at the bus whilst raising my wrist and stabbing repeatedly at my watch, and although he clearly saw me he did not even register 0.5 on the bus drivers scale of passenger disdain. So I did the only thing one can do in such circumstances – I swore at him, casting serious doubts on both his sexuality AND parentage; even though by this time he was 100metres down the road – (it’s the thought that counts and I said it with such feeling too).
 Eventually stomped into work at 9.15am and fortunately nobody seemed to care and / or notice. In that respect I am lucky that in my department we are not a set of clock watchers. As long as you do your hours and obviously don’t miss meetings the management are very relaxed.  After a morning of work I went to Bridgewater Buckies and met my friend Pippa Sharp of Pippas Pantry fame to collect some cupcake toppers I had commissioned for a friends birthday bash. Commissioned  - doesn’t that sound posh? In reality i was too lazy, busy, incompetent *delete which is inappropriate,  to make them myself and after promising  to assist in making a cupcake tower for a friend at the COVEN Cupcake Book Club for a secret birthday do and having a looming deadline, I asked Pippa if she could essentially bail me out, which she did admirably and at mates rates, ha ha!
In the evening I dropped them off at Susans so she could add them to the buns she was making (which after the icing and toppers are added will  be transformed from humble buns to magnificent cupcakes) and after a quick coffee and conversation around the underwear folding incident I had been party to the day before (nope I am not explaining “its complicated”)   I went home and indulged in the sheer luxury of getting home before 10pm (well for about ten minutes) and then I was bored senseless.

Busy day today  - so need to be super organised.  As a miracle occurs and the bus arrives on time I jump off at Leeds Kirkgate Market and do a spot of shopping prior to going to work. A pork chop, lambs steak, 3 bunches of coriander, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots and a butternut squash later ,I hop back on a bus and get to the train station stop.
I did very well and remembered to put the meat in the works kitchen fridge and stick the rest under my desk – the smell of coriander rises up and for the rest of the day my end of the office is distinctly herby and fragrant.      
As I have two meetings this evening Friends Of Kirkgate Market and The COVEN Cupcake Bookclub I am super organised and leave work at 5pm sharp and nip to Costco to get some nibbles for the book club.     The trouble with Costco is everything is so BIG. So I end up buying a kilo bag of tortilla chips, some dips to go with them, a huge punnet of blue berries and some amaretti biscuits.   The blue berries will be scoffed over a period of a few days as I am really into trying to eat foods of different colours at the moment – nice orange butternut squash, yellow sweetcorn, red beetroot and nice green broccoli all feature in my meals these days. Chuck in the blue berries, nice brown chocolate and clear gin and tonic and that’s what I call a balanced diet!    
Onward to Friends of Kirkgate Market and oh the shame I arrive late and most of the meeting  is over. I  get there just in time for  a nice glass or two of fruity cider with ice.  After an hour it is onward to the bookclub at the Spring Close Tavern where we are having both a discussion about the book Shades of Grey and a surprise birthday party for Warren who is the grand old age of 47- but he actually looks in his mid 30s the lucky git.
The conversation around the allegedly mucky book shades of grey is decidedly lack lustre now we have all read it – it was an easy read, very uncomplicated and disappointingly tame. I am not sure what I was expecting and I am most certainly not widely read but it seemed just like a book you would read on holiday whilst soaking up both sun and gin simultaneously. A bit of a page turner in places, and cheap so it doesn’t matter if it gets soggy in the pool.  I suspect it will be coming to a charity shop near you soon. (well thats where my copy is going anyway).
After bookclub and repeated attempts to force people to eat tortilla chips I come home clutching at least  800grammes of the dratted things.  Put perishables in fridge and am in bed in minutes and probably snoring like  pig in ten.

Woke up to find cherry tomatoes all over the floor – I may be having rabbit pie for tea!!!!!
After cheering wildly on discovering Andrew Landsley had been removed from his position as Health Secretary I sink into a deep depression when the new one  Jeremy Hunt is announced.
Hunt the Cunt in charge of the NHS – I am going to cry
Took the tortilla chips to work and left the packet casually open near my desk - ..........
Had a very interesting chat with a bloke called Walter Awah at 5pm  about his group Organisation for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation. Based in Cross Green Walter is a trained mediator who wants to work with young people and communities to aim to a) prevent crime and b) try and get  people to be reconciled with offenders so they can move on together to make a better community for them both. I love the idea but I am not sure it will work well in Cross Green where most people would I suspect prefer bits of offenders nailing on posts on the “village green” rather than have a group hug and  move forward.  But I suggest Walter uses the open forum at the inner east tomorrow to bring his concept to the attention of the local councillors.
I am still munching my way through  the tortilla chips.........................  700grammes to go.
Get email  from fireman present who is in London on union business – George Mudie MP wants a word. Suggest to fireman present next time he has coffee with George it might be easier to meet in Asda at Killingbeck instead of the houses of parliament. Email floats in saying  ....when in Rome!!!  No doubt I will get to meet him in Asda ........
Thursday was in work terms distinctly mundane, but as this evening is the inner east area committee I am whilst working  I am checking over my questions for Station Commander Kirk – aka Big Nige’.   Nigel has taken over from Tony Head at Gipton Fire Station and is presenting his annual report tonight to the committee. I’m ready for this – if there is one thing I have learnt since last October is that the fire service would know a decent, honest and truthful set of figures if they were set alight in front of them.  “Creative” doesn’t quite do them justice.  Nigel I do not doubt knows me by reputation and as we are sat virtually opposite each other he keeps giving me sideways glances.(rumours abound that Tony Head  being removed from Gipton was my fault, which is probably true).   He is not called Big Nige’ for nothing as he has to sit diagonally across the table to be comfy, he also has the biggest man bag with him I have ever seen, perhaps there are a couple fire extinguishers in there just in case of emergencies.
After he has presented his report it is blatantly clear none of the councillors have read it properly. 46% of houses still do not have smoke alarms and Nigel has  calculated his figures from June 11 – July 12 when the risk plans for Leeds run from April to March and the way they figures are presented have changed too. Nobody mentions the fact that house fires in Seacroft are on the rise ........... And he hasn’t  presented figures on Safety Critical Risk Information which is a key  factor in the plans to reduce Giptons risk from very high to high. And the thing that got me most angry ---- There is another fire station in the inner east area – STANKS – no figures, no report and nobody mentions it.  Anyway I am allowed to ask Nigel two measly questions and then the chair shuts me up, so I say that’s fine I will email the rest  to him, Nigel visibly winces. Cllr Brian Selby suggests I copy the councillors in and Nigel can then hit reply all. As I am not the community representative I am not sure why I should do this, I pay for those councillors to do a job and if they don’t do it why should I help them out. 
Nigel  dutifully hands me over his email address and adds his mobile number – handy as the next time Gipton take nearly ten mins to turn out to a binyard fire I shall be texting him, regardless of the time of day asking where the hell they are  (which will no doubt please fireman present as he got the stream of text abuse the last time it happened at 11.30 in the evening and it frees him from the immediate line of fire)
Just one more thing about the inner east – without discussion, without even a word they approve giving £525 towards a set of glorified fairy lights outside Crossgates Library at Christmas. Why ? Crossgates is outer east, they should pay for their own bleeding fairy lights!
After the inner east we  leave sharpish as being in a room with a load of labour councillors is akin to being a pork chop at a jewish wedding. What they don’t understand is I  am against them because over the past five years I have stuck to my word and them every last one of them has since coming into power changed their election  and committee promises.  I am glad to leave as to be honest I feel ill in their company, they are tainted and its not a nice smell to be around at all.

Friday is D day, or more rightly IRMP day.  The fire authority today announce their plans to further massacre fire cover in west Yorkshire. I send good luck email to fire present who I know will be there to listen, crossing my  fingers whilst pressing send as an extra precaution. Anyway once it is all announced we will swing into action and start informing people of the truth, increased call out times, less engines, significantly reduced cover. The statutory consultation period lasts three months so from now until November 30th  we are all going to be very very busy indeed.
At about four thirty an email floats in from fireman present, about some consultation stuff we are proposing to do. The email conversation gets round to him being interviewed by Look North this morning. I ask if it was Joe Inwood who did it  , as he was involved  in interviewing us both last year. Trying to explain who Joe was to a female would have been easy – to a bloke it’s impossible so in the end I go to Joes facebook page download his picture and then email it over. The snappy answer soon floats back    “yeah thats him....he's gorgeous isn't he....i couldn't concentrate when he was asking me questions” . Regardless of our backs being against the wall on several occasions my fireman present has never lost the ability to make me howl with laughter. I just hope in the next three months he manages to hang on to his sense of humour as I think we are going to need it.
Anyway its all agreed we are setting up a joint COVEN / Fire Brigades Union  blog to campaign against the cuts in fire cover and more importantly we agree that every person who opposes the cuts who we have a name and address for will be told after the fire authority what their local councillor voted – thats transparency for you, as well we both know from experience councillors have more faces than a town hall clock but only one vote. Before  logging off and going home for the evening explain to fireman present the poem about Simon Pilling has already got 50 hits on the COVEN blog and its only been on a couple of hours. Have a read its very funny...   Ode to Simon Pilling  
Home for 6pm but  had to pop in to Marks and Spencers on the way home to buy a litre of milk and some red wine..............its been a long day.


Woke early and full of beans so of course it was Saturday.  Was out at Leeds Kirkgate Market for 9am with Nancy in tow. Well if I am being accurate she’s Nancy the 5th my  trusty shopping trolley who trundles faithfully behind me at the market most Saturdays. Why my shopping trolley is called Nancy is another story but if I am ever  famous enough to warrant being interviewed on desert island discs she just might be might my luxury item, shopping trolleys are sooooo useful!
The only trouble with Nancy is she makes me buy things that are unnecessary, but I am sure the three cucumbers for 50p  that she convinced me were a bargain will come in useful for something  (don’t know about you but I am visualising a councillor bending over at this point). As the sun is belting down and it is obviously going to be a scorching day I decided to make a nice warming casserole !!! and buy 2lbs shin beef from BJ Callards my butcher,,,,,,,,,  I also buy a sea bass from my favourite fishmonger R. Bethells  and after the young lady waggled its shiny little carcass in my face and asked  “is this one big enough?”  - I hastily request  it to be filleted. After the accusing and indignant look that piscine cadaver gave me I am cooking and eating it minus its key fishy attributes of head, beady eyes and fins.
On heading for home as the bus stop is heaving with people I decide to sit down on the wall nearby instead with the intention of soaking up some Vitamin D whilst waiting for the bus. But as I turn to sit down I notice a large RAT cross  the slip road where the National Express buses exit the bus station.  So the wait for the bus turns into a rat counting session; in the ten minutes I sit on the wall I count 17 yes SEVENTEEN rats scoot from one side of the road to another. Ok so it could be just one rat getting a bit of exercise  doing laps but hellfire its 11am and the place is packed with  people. The only word I can think of is INFESTATION.................
As I drag Nancy home & whilst sat on the bus I remember all the things I have forgotten to buy. Fake bread and salt being the priority  Knowing if I go back into town I will come home with yet more animal, vegetable or mineral bargains from the market I walk up to York Road and play supermarket lotto with the buses .... a  56 is ASDA , 40 means Tesco’s, 19 Sainsburys and a 163  Lidls ---- after the condom / mints incident of a few months ago in LidIs  am much relieved when a 40 rolls up first.  Although Tescos at Sea croft is not my favourite place I know that they will sell Maldon salt. As I leave Tescos I am amazed that salt and gluten free bread came in total to twenty quid. But I suppose its the bottle of Gordon’s gin somebody slipped in my trolley that has bumped the price up a bit!
The evening is spent teaching a close friend the intricacies of blogging.................... which involves a great deal of laughter (and  a decent amount of the afternoon purchase of gin). Although online all evening I avoid facebook as any mathematician will tell you  Facebook +Alcohol = Disaster. One should always engage in social media sober or you will inevitably at some point  make a social media faux pas of catastrophic proportions. Basically in the 21st  century  the 11th Commandment  is “Thou shall not use a computer with internet access  whilst pissed”

 Its not often a Sunday in this  blog is going to be a red  hot page turner (or should than be scroll downer) and  this Sunday is probably  a 9/10 on the mundane scale, but as there has been a request from a “fan” for more rabbity stuff  so  I shall explain what happened on Wednesday morning in more detail.

My darling Sascha – a red eyed white  lop is by far the most chilled out bunny I know. Having been hand reared by me since he was three weeks old he is no longer a  pet,  but quite simply,  family. 
From a biological perspective rabbits have very delicate constitutions and need to be fed correctly. Mine are only allowed Supreme Science Selective pellets, loads of hay (dust free and organic from Derbyshire) and fresh fruit and veggies. As you have probably guessed he is much better fed than me.    But as he has the run of the house is he prone to helping himself – if you leave shopping out I can guarantee you will come back to nibbles out of packets or  it has been known for an entire packet of biscuits to disappear overnight.  As I come home late and tired  from the book club Tuesday night I just put my bags down, put the perishables in the fridge and crawl off to bed. In the morning when I get up each of the 2lb of cherry tomatoes I bought has  been removed from its  bag, nibbled and then left on the floor.  Sascha looks into the middle distance and I swear he says “Nuffin to do with me mum” – but as he licks his lips in anticipation of breakfast    I can see he is wearing lipstick which is a new designer colour – Tomato Red.   Ruth Archers  bland catch phrase of “Oh No” is subtly reworked and  I utter “I am going to kill you,  you  furry arsed lagomorphic  little bastard !!!!!!!!!”     At this he shrugs his ears, turns around, flicks his back paws at me (which is the bunny equivalent of a two fingered salute)  and hops upstairs and I swear his shoulders are moving slightly  as if he is trying to stifle a giggle.   
The only other thing to say about today is I have tummy ache and feel crap, by 5pm I am tucked up in bed and feeling sorry for myself.  But  I have decided on one thing – the Simple Simon Blog was so successful I am going to write one called “Not yet Nigel” which will be a spoof of the childrens poem Not Now Nigel ---- but mine will be about not getting around to putting a new battery in a smoke alarm.
Not yet Nigel, its only half past eight
I havent had my breakfast yet and i'm running rather late...................

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Decisions Decisions !!!!

Getting ready to post a new entry tomorrow.......... cant decide whether to call it.......

Is it Propaganda or Lying ?

or Not Yet Nigel....................

Monday, 3 September 2012

Bread and Circuses

Week Ending 2nd September 2012

Monday 27th August

What can I say?  It was a bank holiday and therefore instead of luxuriating in bed till 11am , having a leisurely breakfast and then pottering around, I  woke very early, full of the joys of spring and could not for the life in me get back to sleep. I couldn’t even manage that semi comatose doze where you lay in bed all nicely tucked in, draught free with one ear listening to the radio and that smug feeling of “aahhhhhhhhhhhh” when you hear the hourly news being announced. Nope this bank holiday Monday I was up with the lark and raring to go.  Trouble was what should I do? The disadvantage of not having a car means to a certain degree the impetuous “lets go somewhere” , is replaced with the hmmmm of what can i do and where can I  go. Usually for me this either means a leisurely stroll around York or a bus ride to Harrogate, the aim of either trip is inevitably to worship at the cooks nirvana of Lakeland Plastics.  
I managed to murder two hours before 9am  by cleaning the cooker and scrubbing out two kitchen cupboards. In the process I found two sets of silicon chocolate moulds as yet unused and several sachets  of French dressing  ( I can cook for England but salad dressings however I make, shake or concoct them for some reason always taste vile. So I cheat and buy it)
Then after scrambled eggs and bacon I stagger up to the laundry with 2 duvets, assorted towels and throws. After stuffing two huge washing machines with the above and feeding them with pound coins and soap powder I indulge in one of my favourite hobbies – illicit reading of The Sunday Times.
I decided about a year ago I would stop buying Murdoch papers and after being a ST reader since I was 14 years old it has been a hard habit to break. Sundays without being able to oggle houses I could never afford and imagine me in dresses as worn by stick thin models I would never be able to get even one leg into has been tough! But like all addicts I have discovered how to get my weekly “fix” deviously without stumping up the £2+ to the newsagent; visiting the laundry usually means I can read a Sunday Times albeit a day or week  late, I silently thank the person who brings it in and leaves it but I have never actually met them.
The laundry is also time to catch up with the owner about local matters. Bobby seems to know more of what is going on the area than most people I know. In fact his laundry has the one and only notice board in the area on which the posters are up to date and changed frequently, (the council notice board in Richmond Hill still rather embarrassingly has a poster in it for a carol concert in December 2011.) So Bobby and I have the mandatory cup of coffee and community catch up –   I tell him that yet again we have had our wheely bins torched ( I think we have an arsonist close by ) and he tells me of his plans for ........... well sorry I can’t tell you as its  his business and confidential. (But I think it’s a great idea and offer to help).
After a quick lunch I nip into town to buy bread. This is not as easy as it sounds as I am gluten allergic and cannot have bread made from wheat.  A normal wheaty loaf is usually about £1.50 but the “bread” I eat is over £3 a loaf, tastes vile and crumbles like soggy sawdust. So instead of buying the fake bread I  impulse buy gluten free crumpets and pray they don’t taste like the bathroom sponge they seem scarily to resemble.


Back to work – YUK.   A crap, crap day. Sometimes I do not know why I bother. But hey at least the sun is shining!
I spent the evening with a large gin in one hand and a chocolate bar in the other trying to compose some notes for the anti incinerator meeting tomorrow at Civic Hall.  After one bar of chocolate and several gins the job is done and I practice delivering it to the rabbit who is sat on the mat in front of me looking slightly bemused, as far as he is concerned his mummy is talking loudly to herself whilst waving her hands in the air. .....Humans!!!


As a union rep I am often called on to provide a listening ear and usually I do not mind people unburdening themselves on me. One of the things they never tell you at steward school is that being a union representative is akin to running a small branch of the Samaritans, and the one thing they don’t prepare you for is the emotional side of the post. But this evening at 5 my patience is at a very low ebb as instead of listening to a member (who really did have a genuine grievance) I want to be at home having a shower and getting changed as tonight  is the first meeting of the alliance against the incinerator to be built in Cross Green. 
So instead of arriving at the meeting clean, tidy and looking as though I have had one careful owner I get there looking like something the rabbit has chewed with smeared makeup and hair  like a haystack in a prevailing wind.Shabby chic?  - probably not. 
The meeting is in the council chamber and as we arrive Cllr Grahame is trying to get the data projector and laptop set up. I volunteer to help and attached the leads that link the data projector to the laptop whilst chuckling to myself, i suppose he could have thought it was wireless... Ron really does need to grasp the technology nettle at some point.
I am invited by the chair to sit at the top table and as I sit down I try and pull the chair forward to discover it is on metal runners. Were there not about 30 people staring at me I would have spent at least a few minutes sliding backwards and forwards like a kid with a new toy,probably going “wheeeee!!!” . As I know a few people will be there who are comrades on East Leeds face book I try and put names to faces but fail miserably, is this due to poor vision, probably because at my age as well as things sagging and expanding it is rumoured the sight starts to go. 

The meeting goes as well as can be expected and of course as I have had a mandatory  dig at labour and Cllr Ron Grahame in particular Ron  finishes with “You have shown your true colours Sarah” This is bullshit as I haven’t supported Ron since approx 11.30am on Friday 16th December 2011 when he voted through cuts in provision in the fire service after saying he wouldn’t.  What makes it worse is he was afterwards interviewed by a journalist and he defended what he had done saying the cuts were necessary and he did what was right. Five minutes after the journalist had hung up Ron rang him back and said he could not talk as somebody had been in the room. He explained he had never had a three line whip before and had to do as he was told even though he didn’t want to. That is when any particle of faith I had in Cllr Ron Grahame left the room, and I can guarantee you it is never coming back. When somebody dies in a house fire in my area because the fire service do not get there in time to save them, that death will be on his head forever.
After the meeting I and a few others went to the pub – you can’t beat a large gin and tonic after a healthy debate. We all agreed it is time to put the pressure on and that leafleting the leader of the councils home turf maybe a good idea – let’s show the people of Kippax what being under the plume of an energy from waste incinerator will be like.


Team meeting at work today, where we are supposed to say what we have done in the previous month.  Sensibly I divert the attention from me by asking where we are going for our Christmas “do”.    Mission accomplished, unfortunately this means i am now assigned as chief Elf to Santa, bah humbug!


Walk past newspaper stand to see headlines of yet more cuts in fire service provision, of course I will role up my sleeves and fight them. Send email to “fire man present” suggesting that he has chosen a really crap time to become brigade secretary- get snappy response “Thanks for reminding me!”  - if I thought he wasn’t up to the job I would feel sorry for him but that man has more integrity in his little finger than most people have in their entire body and my honorary union is going to be in a fine pair of hands. Shame I can’t say the same about the fire service which seems at  present to be run by a suicidal maniac with the financial common sense of George Osborne!
At 7pm after discovering  there is virtually no food in the house I catch the bus to Tesco’s at Seacroft which seems to be overflowing with scantily clad women with spray tans that make their legs look as if is they have a  40 a day fag habit. These women are struggling down the booze aisles in high heels with boxes of barcadi  breezers or WKD, obviously with the desire  to get tanked up at supermarket prices prior to falling in the gutter in the early hours of  Saturday  morning . Clutching my gluten free sausages, bread  and bag of salad I beat a hasty retreat stopping only to buy a cheap acrylic poncho as it is freezing and I am in a T shirt with no coat. I will be honest and say Seacroft bus station at night is one of the few places i dislike being, it is full of foul mouthed youths which make me extremely uneasy. 

As I get off the bus to return to East End Park I see the little Fire Response Unit belting up York Road and make a note to myself to ask if it is incorporated into the statistics for Gipton Fire Station.


Have lunch with my dear friend Patrick whom I am glad today after a mini stroke is looking much better than i have seen him in a while
The rest of the day is spent sat on the sofa reading the bookclub book. "Shades of Grey" isn’t quite what I was expecting - its much tamer than I thought it would be and I am strangely disappointed. (as I have said before if I want fiction I read LCC executive board minutes)


I would say it was the usual humdrum day but it wasn’t for predominantly three  reasons:-
1.       After hunting all round the house I can only find 5  individual socks and not one matching pair  - I decide to chuck them all in the bin and go to M&S on a sock buying trip – never say I do not live life in the fast lane!

2.       After purchasing socks in various colours I went to the famers market in Briggate and after trawling up and down the stalls looking at cakes, biscuits and sausages I cannot risk eating as they have wheat in  I was attracted to the Chilli Devil Stall. I came close to buying chilli marmalade but in the end chose “Citrus Cascade Chilli Sauce”. Why ? because all the rest were coloured red and this was yellow.  “It’s a bit hot”  the man said as he took my money......... A BIT HOT is the understatement of the century. After sparingly putting it on grilled turkey for dinner and greedily scoffing a large chunk it blew my newly acquired socks off and  I am hoping my tastebuds and throat  return to normal by  Tuesday! It is the hottest thing I have ever tried and the bottle is now sat in the back of my fridge where it is going to stay for a very ,very long time. I have blisters in my mouth and am typing this whilst sucking ice cubes from yet another G & T (which was purely medicinal you understand).

3.       I have been invited to go to the circus by somebody I would never have dreamed of inviting me out. (and I am secretly chuffed to bits cos its really sweet he asked me, and yes I am blushing furiously)

Sunday night was spent ironing clothes for work, planning my packed lunches for the week *and listening to the radio
*this is a pointless task as 9/10 I forget to take my super healthy nutritionally balanced packed lunch and end up eating Sushi from Sainsbury’s. Or if I do take it I have eaten it by 11am and then go to Sainsbury’s for sushi. QED. 

Friday, 31 August 2012

Civic Hall Meeting of the Anti Incineration Movement

I started this blog with a view to publishing somehing every week and for reasons i cant really go into i had to stop publishing it (but it is still being written and at some point will be blogged) - however i think this is important enough to publish and for some reason i can't get into the No2 Incinerator Blog. Blooming technology!


So below is a transcript of what i said at the Incinerator Meeting at Leeds Civic Hall on Tuesday 29th August.

And for the record Cllr Grahames response was "You have shown your true colours here tonight Sarah"  actually that isnt true. I started to campaign against Cllr Ron Grahame on Friday 16th December 2011 at approx 11.30am. This was the day he voted through the cuts in the Fire & Rescue Service and he demonstrated he did as he was told by the labour party. I did tell him to his face rather loudly that i was going to do it so he really cant feign suprise.

Since then on many occasions he has said that he fire service is already stretched to breaking point and  of course  the area he alleges to represent is very high risk, with high rise buildings and old poor quality housing that is at great risk of fire.

So i do not doubt he will oppose the incinerator even though he whimpers on about "predetermination" all the time and then say the same to my community as he did to the fire fighters - "sorry boys i have been whipped" - Anyway below is what i said..................

We are here tonight a diverse group of people with a common goal. To prevent the building of an energy from waste incinerator in Cross Green, Inner East Leeds. Some of us have been opposing this for many years others have been slower to realise that this monstrosity is wrong.  It is to be built in  the most deprived area in Leeds, which culminates in people  dying 10years younger than somebody in Harewood  in the north or Otley in the west. 
This project is wrong in so many ways – its is the wrong finance model (private finance Initiative money ), it is to be sited in the wrong place,  close to schools, a community park  and densely packed housing, but most important of all it is the wrong technology. A technology that is in mine and many others opinion not safe, a potential danger to human health and it will have a long term negative impact on the environment.
As Councillor Khan at the last Richmond Hill forum prevented me from speaking on the subject of nano particles and their effect on health citing the fact i was not qualified in chemistry   I shall leave the matter of the dangers of technology like this to people better qualified to speak on the matter than myself.  In fact be to be honest my knowledge of private finance initiatives is learned from books and reading newspapers  so I shall leave that topic again to people more able to speak and articulate on the subject. All I will say is that the commodifcation of public services is wrong and as a lifelong socialist goes very much against my natural grain.
The fashion at the moment is to see things in shades of grey, and that in part is the problem. We have councillors in Burmantofts and Richmond Hill who are submissive and do as they are told, that is they respond well to a good whipping by the labour party. Occasionally they may throw an inconsequential teenage strop and rebel (like facilitating this meeting tonight or walking out of the council chamber instead of voting ) but the bottom line is they know what side their political bread is buttered and will do as they are told when the labour party’s chips are down. And the way the local councillors treat us is appalling. Democracy in Richmond Hill is dead, the only truly open public meeting that we had has now been closed by labour – probably because they couldn’t stand the heat from it. and because Mark Dobson promised me they weren’t going to close it.   I live in this area and fortunately labour can’t pick and choose their constituents, although the procurement process was started by the liberals and conservatives I am sad to say that now the labour party with its overwhelming majority will it seems happily take on full responsibility for a £500million PFI  Incinerator. Had you said this to me 2.5  years ago I would have laughed and said you were wrong, Labour would not allow this to happen. As my friends and a fair few of my enemies will happily point out I do get things on occasions horrendously wrong, but I unlike labour admit my mistakes and learn from them. I will never vote labour again; I no longer trust them to tell the truth. In fact I believe that all three of our local councillors are considered suitably lowly enough to be discarded and thrown to the dogs if need be by the labour party. That is, our elected representatives are as disposable as my communities health and welfare seems to be.  We in Burmantofts and Richmond Hill naively expected when labour took over the council and indeed our ward that things, to quote the song, could only get better, oh how wrong we all were. A deprived neighbourhood has gone from bad to worse, from having few basic amenities we have been deprived even of these. We have lost thanks to labours ruthless implementation of ConDem  policies, two libraries, 2 fires stations , a leisure centre and even the local housing office has now got reduced hours.  Our streets are filthy; our recycling bins if we are lucky to have one are emptied spasmodically.
But along with many others I do have the use of a vote every now and then and I intend to use it. This incinerator will tie and indeed bind the labour controlled council to a company that is in mine and many other peoples opinion not fit to hold a contract. Veolia in my opinion lacks the basic fundamental integrity to function in any marketplace as I am sure my comrades from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign will no doubt explain to you.
So why should we the great unwashed of inner east Leeds worry our deprived little heads about having an Energy from Waste Incinerator in our midst. Because there are no shades of grey – there is only white that is dirty, and   the way this incinerator has been procured behind closed doors is as dirty as it gets
Am I allowed in a council  chamber to mention the C word?  CONSULTATION.
This is the biggest joke of all. Since 2007 this project has been on the agenda of the local forum, we have been primed with information (much of which has been repeated several times) and when we have allegedly been given an opportunity to ask real questions of useful people we have not been told of their attendance at meetings – if anybody remembers the man coming from the environment agency this was a prime example – decent questions could have been asked but as we were caught very much on the back foot he got a much easier ride than he should have had.
The initial public meetings were also a joke – mine in Richmond Hill was held at 6pm on a November  Friday night – not the best time for a good turnout and actually sending invitations would have been handy as  in the polluted atmosphere of inner east Leeds it can be difficult to get a clear vision in your crystal ball.

Since then the consultation has gone downhill – the community liaison group set up by Veolia and facilitated by Urban Mines didn’t invite local churches, schools or many other associations to its meetings, they did however say they had consulted with Friends of East End Park in the pre planning document and as the chair of that group I can assure you they had not until we rang them to notify them of their error.  its “independent chair” most certainly demonstrated he was very pro incineration simply by the distain he treated me with  and actually said a charity he had worked with had received funding from the Veolia trust, which made little bells ring in many people’s heads.  A liaison meeting about the actual process of incineration completely missed out a huge chunk about how they dispose of the highly toxic fly ash – until of course the community reminded them.
I could go on and on about why this project should be stopped. But I will leave you with two thoughts  :-

If the council had examined its own figures it would have realised that the figure of 395k tonnes of residual waste was wildly over estimated when he initial procurement process commenced, if the figure had been in 2008 what it is today approx 180k what other more environmentally friendly and sustainable methods of disposal may have been considered?
Do you actually trust your local politicians to tell you the truth anymore – I am not suggesting they wear their hearts on their sleeves but ones who give honest answers to genuine questions would be nice . I call on all three of our local councillors to resign from the labour party and to join the community in this fight  - councillors may have got us into this mess – but we as a community acting as a team can get ourselves out of it. It is time to show our alleged community leaders that the right path is to follow us- the voters.

Monday, 21 May 2012

I am a Marxist (and Spencerist too)!!!!

Week ending Sunday 20th May 


The good intentions of a Sunday evening after a day of doing pretty much nothing, made the carefully  prepared itinerary for Monday morning  look  something like this :-
 5.45am – Alarm goes – spring out of bed, fling open bedroom curtains & windows, trip lightly into bathroom, clean teeth, shower etc.
6.15am- Prepare healthy breakfast and eat whilst making intelligent witty remarks to Sarah Montague on the Today programme even though she never replies,( which may be a blessing!)
6.45am – Make a healthy nutritious packed lunch and leave to chill in the fridge.
7am – spend an hour checking emails, reading news and current affairs on line and at 8am leave the house to go to work. Get to end of road realise lunch is still in the fridge and run back to collect it. As obviously I left in plenty of time I still catch the 62 bus, which arrives on schedule. (whoopee)

What really happened was............
5.45am – Alarm goes.  I discover I have been mysteriously superglued to my bed in the night and am unable to move apart from to extend my left hand to switch the radio on.  After an hour of listening to radio 4, whilst mumbling obscenities at the Today programme presenters and their seemingly uneducated uninformed  guests ,the adhesive quality of my sheets suddenly releases  when the “what am I doing today?” penny drops and I realise I have a meeting at 9am sharp. Showering etc is done at great speed, including the executive decision of wearing my hair curly therefore there is no need to mess around wasting valuable minutes drying it properly. After making a quadruple shot coffee I run out of house, coffee in hand and wait for the bus to arrive.
There are I should explain, several rules of engagement with the No 62 bus service. If my coffee is hot the bus will arrive early, and as i see it turn the corner at the bottom of the road I have to slurp it down sharpish usually depositing some of the liquor on my clean shirt. If the coffee is cool the chances are that the bus will inevitably trundle past at 8.30am on its leisurely way to Cross Green leaving me to wait 15 minutes before it comes back up the road for to get on it. This is usually combined with two other factors – cold AND wet.  There are other bus related scenarios but as the intention is to write this blog for two years I have plenty of time to tell you all about them (unless I am run over by said bus of course, and lets hope I am wearing clean underwear at the time of impact), But “to walk or not to walk that  IS  the question” at least twice a week.

As I skid into work at 8.55am and switch on my computer my electronically updated calendar gives me the message – meeting cancelled. As I only think about the illegitimate parentage of the person who cancelled it,  (instead of broadcasting it all over the office) I carry on until lunchtime doing the work the NHS pays me to do without the inconvenience of being suspended for gross misconduct due to foul language. 
Lunch is again spent at the trendy White Cloth Gallery this time having a catch up with the Lark in the Park Co-ordinator. Not a great deal I can say about this but we agree its a problem and we need to sort it out. He offers to help and I am eternally grateful.  OOOH there is one thing I can tell you .......... we have decided to have a community pub quiz. Friday June 15th 7.30pm at the Spring Close Tavern. The event will be made special by the teams being made up of local community groups and agencies. COVEN will make a team, Community Unity, the Neighbourhood Policing Team, ENE Homes. ReNew and as many others as we can muster.  East Leeds facebook  maybe?--- hmm as they guard their anonymity closely we may have to allow them to skype in, as long as they promise not to cheat by using google!!!!!!

I decide at 5.30pm  it is not worth bothering to go home first prior to the Partners and Communities Together (PACT) Meeting at 7pm.  PACT meetings are the interface between our local neighbourhood policing team and the community. The turnout for this one is dire (although that is not a reflection on the issues raised) It is usual for at least one of the councillors to attend these meetings and prior to May it was usually the liberal councillor Ralph Pryke. But sadly he lost his seat and now we have three labour ones, non of which have   bothered to turn up.   Like I have said before in other blogs and articles – I make an effort to attend stuff like this, I thinks its important to show some solidarity with your community and neighbours. And let’s face it, we all expect the emergency services to be there when we need them and it’s a courtesy to reciprocate when they need our support and help. PAC T meetings are important. And I think it is a fair comment that some of our community members have worked with the local NPT to achieve some major successes in crime reduction and detection.  At the end of the meeting I break it to the sergeant concerned his mission, should he choose to accept, is to recruit a team of 4 of his staff for the pub quiz. You can see in his face that he just for a second abandons the concept of the police and community working together and yearns for the old days where you would never have dreamed of calling a copper by his first name let alone invite them to your local pub quiz – hopefully to be thrashed into a least 3rd place behind COVEN and No2 Incinerator!

After the PACT meeting it is home to throw together a quick meal and then after an hour of doing nothing but “pottering about”  its off to bed. Before I fall asleep the most important question of the day has as yet not been answered “WHERE THE HELL HAVE I PUT MY SAMSUNG PHONE CHARGER?”   as my “strike phone” is now emitting an annoying  “feed me bleep” every thirty minutes.


Tuesday started on a positive note, I got up by 6.30am.  This means that showering etc could take place at a leisurely pace, so in a fit of vanity I decide to vary my usual deranged poodle hairstyle and go for something a bit more ------wait for it .......TRENDY!  So after the regulation wash and condition I spritzed* my hair with heat protector product (*re – spritzed , well I might as well use trendy words as I was aiming for trendy hair, I sprayed it really!)  After drying my hair I used my hair straighteners and  ironed it till it was poker straight.  The result was, for a 50 yr old grannie distinctly youthful and after a bacon sarnie , coffee and then a quick smear of make up I left the house confident in the fact that I looked more like an afghan  hound  than my usual poodle.
Of course because I was on time and coffeeless – the bus was 10 minutes late. At least the sun was shining and you could see the haze of pollution hanging over the railway line.
Work was the usual – and as  I am new to this blogging lark I am at the moment not going to tell you a great deal about it. For a start it is a tad boring – “Diary of a NHS Pen Pusher “is not going to be a riveting read, unless you are really, really sad. Or if you are Andrew Landsley of course, who would  instantly invoke plans to reduce 25% of your blogs content and privatise your pencil supplier, the bastard.
Now I shall brag, there was one person at work who said as I was leaving the building to go to the bank and he was escaping for a crafty cigarette “Hey Sarah your hair looks nice!”  I trotted up Park Row , accompanied  by my temporarily inflated ego, with my head held high and my hair flapping triumphantly in the breeze. It was amazing how quickly that breeze turned into a 2 minute downpour of hail stones so by the time I got to the NatWest  the afghan had gone to be replaced by a drowned rat. Only ten  mins later I returned to work and after a period of drying out I was back to my usually crazed curly dragged through a hedge backwards sort of a  look. 

Alternate Tuesdays mean I host the Technology Forum at 5pm. This is a work event held for our techies & geeks to listen to speakers on items of interest. Usually I just sit in and drink coffee and leer at the cakes and muffins that are provided (have I said I can’t eat wheat, well most cakes are just little confections of wheaty torture put there to specifically taunt  me?). But tonight’s was actually very interesting, all about how technology, telehealth to be precise can ensure patients take their medicine properly. I was particularly enthralled by the concept of tablets having a “microchip” inside them that was triggered by the acid in your tummy to send a very weak signal to a patch on your body which in turn relays a signal to your smart phone. Then a special app converted the signal to a graph or calendar so you could quickly check if you had taken your medicine.  It is currently undergoing tests but it sounds a wonderful idea and in a dull part of the proceedings my mind wandered to an article recent read in the Yorkshire Evening Post about Richmond Hill being the top of the league for teenage pregnancies. One could of course go into all the social and economic reasons for this happening but basically in my opinion it is all about the C word, CONTRACEPTION. Perhaps if taking the pill could be linked to a mobile phone application it would become fashionable to take it.   Or even an app that maps how many shags you have had  and when you  are down to your last weeks worth of condoms  sends you a new supply via the post, then you scan the bar code on the outer packet with your phones camera and then bingo you are topped up again. I could go on about this for hours but as I know from a peep in my diary that next week is a fairly quiet one I shall save my thoughts on this for then. Actually I bet somewhere on the net there is a shag calculator............................. I shall do some research and get back to you on that one.

Tech Forum finished at 6.30pm  which meant I was already late for my next appointment. I had promised to attend an event hosted by several unions about Climate Change and Green Jobs. It was held at the Old Broadcasting Place on Woodhouse Lane. I arrived via taxi at 6,45pm  to find the place locked up. After  ringing the door bell once, I progressed to pushing the bell several times and then in desperation thumped out a little tune on it in a last ditched attempt to get in. After waiting five mins I gave up and I sloped back outside the entrance hall, I noticed at the building next door a large van with “Green Roadshow – Climate Change” splurged all over it. A quick trip up the steps revealed yet another locked door but as I was confident this was the place, I hammered on the glass until a young woman came and let me in. Unfashionably and embarrassingly late I slunk in and sat at the back.
The speaker was talking about how unions in particular could become involved in the issues around creating green jobs, for example introducing the likes of “Boris’s bikes” to Leeds.  Discussion of how the council could reduce carbon emissions and other topics inevitably brought the conversation round to the municipal incinerator that LCC wish to build via a Private Finance Initiative contract worth £500million. The chap at the front (who looked dreadfully familiar) said it was a shame that nobody from the anti incinerator campaign had turned  up.  As I said “oh yes she has” the audience turned in unison and thought  “that’s who the woman is who slunk in late”.
After apologising for my croaky voice I gave a brief outline of No2 Incinerators campaign to date adding that we were based in the most deprived area of Leeds, had a very poor turnout at the elections and  how we had been shafted and lied to by our local politicians. Two of which without a doubt were elected on an anti incineration ticket, but after coming to power changed their tunes to the “We are where we are stance” and “we inherited this from our nasty predecessors”.  I cant say what the 3rd most recently elected one thinks on the matter (what she is told to by Cllr Dobson probably, same as the other two) as I have never heard her speak, not even when she was campaigning. But I tell you one thing however quiet she is  – she sure as hell isn’t the silent majority, having been elected on the abysmal turnout of 25% - less than either of her colleagues.
The nice young chap from The Green Party also spoke up about the anti incineration lobby adding that Veolia was an appalling company with a human rights record that was a nightmare. Several other unions spoke too including University College Lecturers Union (UCU) adding that they had passed a resolution to support No2 Incinerator – they very kindly offered their support and banner whenever we needed it. The Alliance for Green Socialism also support us, they are based in Chapel Allerton  so we are definitely going up in the world when Ls9 and Chapel Allerton are on the same side.  Then a young man  from Naples in Italy spoke, saying that maybe it was time to stop playing nicely and start some interventions and direct action. I said I agreed and did consider that maybe it was time to start  chaining myself to railings. Now as I am human, the thought of being chained to a railing by or with him flashed some rather inappropriate thoughts through my head. One can only hope if the circumstances arrive that so that the fire brigade from Gipton are summoned to cut me free from the railings at Cross Green , they drive very slowly down York Road and accidentally leave their bolt cutters behind in a rebellious act of solidarity.
I also mentioned about Cllr Mick Lyons (Temple Newsam)  threatening me with court proceedings for defamation, when I spoke out at a scrutiny panel. When I said I was happy to be dragged through the mire by him as the publicity it would bring for the anti incineration campaign would be second to none I got a bloody good round of applause. Several people also gave me their phone numbers and offered to help, but best of all was the journalist who came up at the end, took my details and said he would be in touch. (sensibly I gave him my landline which doesn’t require batteries)
After a quick gin in The Fenton and a catch up with some mates from the Socialist Workers Party it was time to head for home, a very late dinner and eventually bed. As I nodded off I remembered why the chap who spoke at the meeting looked so familiar – he bared an uncanny resemblance to Rick Stein the celebrity chef who cooks fish. I roused briefly again as I had forgotten to look for my phone charger, by now my strike phone was resting peacefully, but I really need it up and running as it’s the only number a  BBC journalist has got for me and I am expecting a call.


Wednesday started out with the usual work. But the time went quickly and at 12.10pm I left and crossed to City Square to meet up with Maria,  fellow COVEN member and community activist. This is the start of one and a half days leave for me. Leave is not usually taken to partake in holidays or leisure activity but to attend meetings or events. In fact last year 20 of my 27 days leave was attributable to one meeting or another. We have been invited by Dr Stuart Hodkinson to attend the Leeds University School of Geography to sit in on a lecture given by Dexter Whitfield, Director of the European Services Strategy Unit on how to research Private Finance Initiatives and Public Private Partnerships. There we catch up with Maureen another COVEN member and we settle down to listen to what Dexter has to say. After 30mins I am near suicidal as Dexter seems to consider if a PFI contract even gets to procurement it is virtually unstoppable. However after a few questions we discover that the exception to the rule is probably waste incinerators because they require so many sets of permissions and permits to operate. Dexter reckons that it is unusual for councils to sign contracts prior to planning being granted (which we understand is the Leeds preferred option) and it is more usual for the council to get permission for the monstrosity first and then sign the contract with the company. Dexter offers to help No2 Incinerator and the usual shady deal of exchanging email addresses hastily written on scraps of paper takes place. I had invited my fireman present to attend this event but unfortunately he is on days today so I also ask Dexter about PFI in the fire and rescue service on his behalf. Dexter is a star and offers to send me some information over. He also writes books and kindly offered them at £10 each at the lecture. My hand was in my wallet faster than you could say “Neoliberalist commodification” and I left the lecture with three books, two bought at the knockdown price of ten quid each (they were 18 really ) and a freebie “The Investigators Handbook”  a guide to investigating companies, individuals, organisations and  governments . This book is going to be essential bed time reading. I bought “Global Auction of Public Assets” & his latest “In Place of Austerity”, restructuring the economy, state and public services. It’s a bit heavy going but this book should be mandatory reading for every worker in the public service. Because I am as Maureen would say a complete “tart” I got Dexter to sign the books.  
After bolting down some food in record time Maureen and I joined Susan at the Inner East Area Committee at 5.30 pm at Civic Hall. Also in the audience was Cllr Pauline Grahame who said she was supporting Cllr Gruen who was intending to speak. I have to say I Peter Gruen certainly didn’t look as though he needed any support to mumble his way through his few carefully selected stage managed lines. But who am I to comment on how the wheels of power turn, I only pay for them after all!
The meeting was only to elect the chair which for a first meeting is a bit strange, also a complete waste of tax payers money as there needed to be the woman from corporate who took the minutes and two members of the area management team in attendance. And even though the meeting took less than twenty minutes the usual tray of refreshments was there. I know these flasks of tea and coffee cost 8 quid each so I have to say if the council are looking to make some more cuts maybe refreshments for a 30 minute meeting should be top of the list. As there was only one nominee for chair Graham Hyde (the existing chair) it did seem a complete waste of a meeting that no doubt cost hundreds both in time to prepare for it and officer time.
However the most exciting part of the evening was me being presented with a hand delivered letter from Peter Marrington. Apparently he was looking for me before I arrived and the letter was relayed to me by the minutes scribe. Yet again another letter from LCC saying Mick Lyons was after me for an apology – I have to say they are wasting an awful lot of taxpayers money on this, a middle aged lady speaks her mind at a meeting and they seem to think the world will shortly come to an end.   I think they are trying bullying tactics – will they shut me up – HELL NO. Cllr Lyons has sat on the plans panel for 32 yrs and perhaps it is time he looks at some of the monstrosities that  panel has approved including the2 incinerators already in the Aire Valley and hang his head in shame. But after watching him in a series of these meetings  I don’t think humility is one of his key features. I am however chuffed to bits as it shows that my consistent attendance at these meetings has been acknowledged by LCC – although I doubt I will ever get a gold star for attendance.
After the Inner East we withdraw to the Hedley Verity for a large coffee, but somehow managed instead to buy a bottle of wine! The three of us  spend a pleasant 30 mins outside in the Millennium Square discussing the arrogance and utter rudeness of some councillors present (ok one in particular) and sipped our wine enjoying the early evening sunshine before heading back to EEP.
I don’t however head for home but for Marias to discuss the day’s events, and after 2 very generously poured gin and tonics head home for a very late night.



Thursday morning started with a major crisis. I misplaced my hairbrush. Now I know many people have a selection of these devices but I being of the low maintenance scruffy variety have only one. So losing it is a bit of a disaster, especially as I am at the time looking for the brush to detangle my hair before drying it. After 15 minutes of searching I give up and in desperation use the rabbits groomer to comb my hair through. Whilst this is going on the bun sits on the floor looking at me in lagomorphic  disbelief.  What the hell, a brush is a brush and needs must in an emergency and if he ever loses his he is most welcome to use mine. I was hoping by now to have found my phone charger but it is still missing and my phone is now presumed most definitely dead.  As this is my day off I am meeting my  ”fireman past “ at Leeds Central Library to go through the old watch and fire brigade committee minutes of LCC. Fireman past is doing the research for Gipton Fire Stations 75th Birthday and we are looking for information around when the extension was added to the side. Eventually we find what we are looking for and loads of other stuff too. For example Leeds Fire Brigade in the mid sixties bought a thousand pairs of woollen socks in a year. It seems even today fire fighters have to wear woolly socks (due to the natural fire retardant nature of wool fibre) but they have to get and pay them themselves which seems distinctly unreasonable . Surely a woolly sock is classed as PPE and therefore should be supplied by the employer?   I consider for a moment getting embroiled in sock wars with West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue but to be quite frank cannot be arsed with the fight. I currently have enough on my hands without worrying about fire fighters tootsies.

Without even time for a quick coffee after the library I scurry up to the Civic Hall to observe at Plans Panel East. As the incinerators will be discussed eventually at these I have already pencilled out 12 half days leave in my diary to ensure I will be available. Committee rooms 6 & 7 are fairly full as I arrive but I manage to get a seat with a table so I can spread out and take copious notes.

The first thing with plans panel is to guess who is attending to hear what. As the clerk to the committee only had  two glasses of water on his desk it was clear that not many people were to speak.  The  chair made the usual introductions and announced something very interesting. Firstly Cllr Peter Gruen was to resign from the committee and also Cllr Mick Lyons was too. Now I do not give a hoot about Gruen but Lyons handing in his notice ran little bells in my head. It could be of course to pursue a middle aged grannie through the courts and he was making himself available for daytime TV appearances etc or it could be he had simply had enough. However the conspiracy theorist in me suspects he is retreating tactically prior to the incinerators coming to plans panel. I repeat Mick what I put on face book. Your party voted for this so as a labour councillor you are tarnished with the brush of approval. I mean how he can legitimately oppose an incinerator when he was on the committee that approved the burning of low level radioactive and medical waste in my ward , Pots and kettles spring to mind. Or god forbid he could be manoeuvring to take the chair of the large projects plans panel that labour intend to instigate. If so we are all doomed.  Plans panel however is always an interesting afternoon. The first I shall tell you of was an application to erect 86 houses in Unit 12 Temple Point Austhorpe. This is a planning application to build houses on land that had been designated for an office park. At the last plans panel east we had all been asked to leave due to the sensitive nature of the discussions around the 106 money the developer was to make available. In the end the panel told them to get lost as they offered less than half of the 1.6 million the council had asked for. Anyway the developers had come back and offered £1,482,700. Now this is all well and good if you live up Colton way. But again the question has to be asked WHY? Did the same committee say that the Mt St Marys development by Rushbond via MSM Ltd did not require any 106 payment. The development will not by its own admission provide any community infrastructure, will be a gated community and have less that 50% parking spaces for the 180+ flats agreed.  Strata Homes Ltds even provided in this revised application the figures of how much profit they will make from the scheme in Colton. Yet when COVEN asked at area committee about Mt St Marys we were told it was commercially sensitive and essentially we were told to bugger off. Mt st Marys in now into its second round of planning and nothing has been done to that church for years and years. Seems to me that there is one set of rules for poor east Leeds and another for affluent , but strangely they are monitored by the same committee!  Another interesting one was a through terrace house which wanted planning to be converted to two flats. The officers recommended approval but the councillors said No, would this happen in EEP – I doubt it as we know many back to backs never mind through terraces are converted and some are in multi occupancy? 
Last but by nowhere least was a garage in Thorner that had wanted planning permission to increase its size by 133%, apparently in the green belt where Thorner most certainly is rules state that a building can only be increased by 33%. The officers put up a valiant case to  refuse this but Cllr Lyons lead the attack as to why it should be allowed. The officers all credit to them stuck to their ground and eventually after much mud slinging and tantrums including the words ”I shall set my legal team on you “ (now where I have I heard that one before) a vote was taken and the application was eventually refused.  The last item again is to be held in camera so I give up the ghost and meet Susan for a rant and moan in Cafe Nero.
I get home at 6, eat and after popping to relay some news to Maureen I go home and opt for an early night. It’s been a heck of a week and I am tired beyond belief.


Friday morning and on the bus I am telling a old lady from Saxton Gardens all about Cllr Lyons and his hounding  of me for defamation. As everybody else does she howls with laughter and proceeds to tell me the story of when she broke her ankle on an allegedly dodgy LCC flagstone. The councillor she spoke to asked first if she had been drunk. No she replied it was 8am in the morning. Had her dog pulled her over perhaps ? No it was the size of a small jack Russell. Eventually the woman hung up on the councillor.  This got me thinking..............SECRET SHOPPERS FOR COUNCILLORS. It might take a bit of organising but what if COVEN set up a network of secret shoppers to ask various councillors advice? We could rate them according to their answers.  I think it is an idea worth further thought. How quick do they respond to emails, is the advice they give factually correct, hmmmmm what fun we could have. And we may even improve the service, I don’t bother emailing mine anymore as labour don’t even bother to respond.

After a day at work – Fridays are always boring. I left at 4pm to attend a meeting of friends of Kirkgate market at 4.30pm at West Yorkshire Play House. For many reasons I have been out of the FOKM loop  recently but Kirkgate Market is one of my passions and I do not want to see it massacred by  LCC in the name of regeneration and future development. Bottom line is the market even in its dilapidated state makes over a million quid profit for LCC , it should be like an elderly parent loved and nurtured not revamped and restyled in effort to gentrify it.  Apparently at a recent Executive board meeting a councillor referred to Friends of Kirkgate Market as Marxists – well as long as for reasons of balance we are Spencerists too, who cares?


Saturday morning was as usual spent doing my hunter gatherer routine at Leeds Kirkgate Market. I love this place, where else can you get such amazing fruit, vegetables and marvellous produce and at such sensible prices. I buy an oxtail, some fresh thyme and a butternut squash so when I get home I can make an oxtail stew. Should I ever have to have a last meal it would be my oxtail, masses of creamy mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli. After eating that nobody can ever manage a pudding as you are incapable of moving from the sofa for at least two hours post scoffing it. It also requires a half bottle of red wine adding – I must emphasis here that it is vitally important that the recipe requires the bottom half of the bottle,  so in the aim of culinary perfection I am forced to drink the top half of a ruby cabernet before preparing the meat etc for the slow cooker.
Saturday afternoon after a nap (its necessary at my age) &  the evening is spent writing this blog entry from Tuesday to Wednesday – I think I am including too much information but I enjoy writing and it keeps me occupied until bedtime. Just before bed I switch the slow cooker on and smile confident in the knowledge that when I wake in the morning the house will be gently fragranced with thyme and garlic infused oxtail stew, YUM.



The start of Sunday is the usual routine, listen to the radio in bed till 8am when the Sunday service forces me to get up. (nobody should be forced to listen to Christians singing at that time in the morning especially when you are horizontal) But before I bore you with the usual shower, teeth, hair routine there had however been an incident with the rabbit in the night time which I think you may be interested in hearing about. ...........but before you think that this blog is going to get all hot and sweaty  under the collar I warn you in advance, you are going to be so disappointed.
Miss Cicely Perfect Paws is the most beautiful little bunny you could ever wish to meet. Her soft brown fur, lop ears and delicate features usually make even the most ardent pet hater go “ahhhhhhhh”. Cicely’s loveable cute exterior hides the fact that she bites when she is pissed off!  So when in the night she came to see me, her surrogate mummy, for an urgently required  nose and ear massage she was quite  rightly niffed, when, as she had failed to make her appointment at a suitable hour, I wasn’t too pleased to see her, (she was glaring me in the face at 4am. ) I did try and do my duty and stroke her nose and ears but as I was, in Cicelys opinion,  giving a substandard unacceptable service  she grunted something under her breath and sank her razor sharp teeth into the soft flesh of my arm. As she hopped down from my bed she also farted and believe me hell hath no fury like a rabbits fart, the stench was unbelievable. It isn’t fun trying to hold your nose with a sore arm either  ..........
Sunday is facepack +Archers omnibus morning so armed with a four shot cappuccino I flopped on the sofa snuggled up in a blankie to listen to the everyday story of country folk whilst  experiencing the sensation of my face slowly hardening in  a plaster like  cast.
And do you know what readers – the rest of Sunday is personal so I will hopefully, if I haven’t bored you all to death by you having to read so much, see you all next week.      Sarah XXX

PS. I found my phone charger, lurking behind the risotto rice in the kitchen cupboard Sunday evening. Bloody good job I had risotto for dinner................